Planning Commission

Comprehensive Plan
Medical Lake’s Comprehensive Plan is a decision-making tool. The plan reflects the residents’ chosen path into the future by anticipating changes in the community and laying out policies and programs to guide the city in managing these changes.
The Planning Commission consists of five members appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council who provide advice and recommendations on land use issues at the local level. The appointment is for a period of six years. Responsibilities include implementing the comprehensive plan, making recommendations to the City Council for amendments to the municipal code and plans, and evaluating land use reviews.
Appointed Officials
Officials | Term Expires |
Andie Mark | 1/2/2027 |
Judy Mayulianos | 1/2/2026 |
Carl Munson | 1/2/2028
Kevin Twohig | 2/4/2031 |
JoeDavid Veliz | 2/4/2031 |
Planning Commission Meetings
Planning Commission meetings are held the 4th Thursday of each month. (unless otherwise stated due to holidays)
Meetings are held at 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers upstairs in City Hall.
Agenda packets are posted the Friday before each meeting.
2025 Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes
February 27, 2025 Planning Commission (the full agenda packet is too large to post as one document. All of the pertinent documents can be found here under Current Applications: Planning & Zoning Department – City of Medical Lake
Archived Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes
View Planning Commission Meeting recordings for the past six months on our YouTube channel. For recordings beyond the last six months, please submit a records request.
For all Planning Commission meeting agendas and minutes dating back further than 2022, please submit a records request.
View 2023 Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes
View 2022 Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes