Our Mission

Building community and enhancing quality of life so residents and businesses can flourish in quality neighborhoods with great schools and useful parks where responsive and accountable governance provides for appropriate infrastructure and fiscal responsibility.

Our Vision

Medical Lake has a family friendly, small-town feel where people are engaged in community affairs and experience meaningful connections to our history of healing and military heritage within the beautiful backdrop of our lakes, forests, and farmland.

Welcome to the
City of Medical Lake

Medical Lake has a family friendly, small-town feel where people are engaged in community affairs and experience meaningful connections to our history of healing and military heritage within the beautiful backdrop of our lakes, forests, and farmland.

Building community and enhancing quality of life so residents and businesses can flourish in quality neighborhoods with great schools and useful parks where responsive and accountable governance provides for appropriate infrastructure and fiscal responsibility.

group of young boys playing soccer for medical lake school district

With volunteers at the ready and plenty of parks to play ball, our community is active with events and sports for all ages. We strive to have our local parks be a source of pride for our community and create an array of recreational and cultural activities for all citizens. Interested in volunteering or helping to coordinate recreational activities for both kids and adults? Look no further than here.

A town on the water brings more than swimming. Medical Lake residents have access to numerous lakes beyond our namesake that provide a variety of water activities. Medical Lake has a long history of fishing for the outdoorsman, our waters are populated with both Rainbow and Brown trout, with events for the competitive type. Explore the waters of Medical Lake and discover what kind of fun suits you.

A community only thrives because of the people involved and we invite everyone to participate in keeping our town a great place to live and grow up in. Learn how to get involved in our town to make it the best place it can be and reflect the best of the people here.

Upcoming Events

Look over our event calendar and discover events to enjoy around town.

Build a magical, self-sustaining woodland ecosystem
in a jar! Once complete, the terrariums only need to
be spritzed with water once a month to thrive. Ages
12 and up, participants under 18 must be
accompanied by an adult.
Cost: $45 | Register By: 2/15

Register Here

February 22
5:00 am - 8:00 pm
Medical Lake City Hall
March 8 - April 19
Medical Lake Middle School

Build a magical, self-sustaining woodland ecosystem
in a jar! Once complete, the terrariums only need to
be spritzed with water once a month to thrive. Ages
12 and up, participants under 18 must be
accompanied by an adult.
Cost: $45 | Register By: 2/15

Register Here

February 22
5:00 am - 8:00 pm
Medical Lake City Hall
March 8 - April 19
Medical Lake Middle School
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