Non-Profit Organizations
Care & Share
Phone: (509) 299-9024
The Medical Lake Kiwanis is a volunteer organization focused on promoting health, education, leadership, and service with the local youth in our community.
Lion’s Club
Eyeglasses & Hearing aid assistance
Leader dogs for the blind
Community Trash Cleanup
Senior Citizens Christmas Dinner
Medical Lake Senior Meals
Medical Lake Dollars for Scholars
Medical Lake Dollars for Scholars is a community-based, volunteer run, non-profit 501 c 3 organization that supports scholarships for graduating seniors from Medical Lake High School. Partnering with many individuals, families and businesses, MLDFS has provided more than $830,700 in scholarships to 973 students.
“Because Every Cardinal Deserves To Soar!”
FB Link:
Address: P.O Box 672
Medical Lake, WA 99022-0672
Medical Lake Food Bank
Our Mission
On the first Thursday of each month the Medical Lake Food Bank is open from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. They are also open every Friday from 10 am to 12 pm.
1st Thursday of Each Month: 5:30 – 6:30 pm (Pantry Distribution)
Every Friday: 10 am to 12 pm
Hours and availability can change, so please contact the food site directly using the information below to confirm hours of operation and more.
Medical Lake Outreach
Our Mission
The Medical Lake Community Outreach program will assist any low-income or disabled family in the West Plains area who has an eviction notice, shut-off notice, or other potential financial need with appropriate documentation and within our resources.
Wednesdays & Fridays: 9:30 am to 1:30 pm
Hours and availability can change, so please contact the food site directly using the information below to confirm hours of operation and more.
Re-Imagine Medical Lake
Our Mission
Our goal is to create a culture that supports business development, promotes community education and welcomes citizen involvement. We recognize that to achieve this goal we must build trust and create meaningful partnerships with our government, businesses, schools, non-profit organizations and local residents. Together we can do more!
Founders Day
Fall Festival
Winter Festival
Farmers Market